Thursday, December 31, 2009

happy new year everyone <3

and a special happy happy birthday to the biggest blessing I have ever received... Ellie Sophia...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

Hope everyone has a merrrry christmas! It's so exciting that this will be Ellies third christmas! I'm kind of sad though thinking that she's already been in our lives for threeee whole years! We are really strengthening our christmas traditions especially the usual santa visit on Christmas eve surrounded by plenty of family, as well as additional present opening on christmas morning with just me, ellie and davin. What does everyone have planned!? I'd love to know what you all are doing to celebrate the holidays!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


This year for ellie's bday we are throwing her a candy shoppe themed party! I was originally inspired by Dylan's Candy Bar which is an upscale candy shop in NYC owned by the daughter of Ralph Lauren. Its super cute a colorful which I love and since ellie has quite the sweet tooth I thought what would be better than lots and lots of CANDY.

Some inspiration:

I've already begun working on some decor including some really cute streamers. I'm thinking of setting up a little photo booth with dress up clothes and other accessories. My sister Yvette (Ellies' Godmother) already purchased a TON of candy for the party which is exciitting! I love love love planning my little ones party and look forward to the outcome!

We've decided to have the party on the 23rd of January as it is the weekend after Cassy's baby shower and also allows for a nice recovery from the holidays. I'm hoping the invites will be done SOON but that all depends on my brother RAMON who I asked 3 months ago to design me some invites! HINT HINT! While on the topic of invites, I took some shots of ellie in preparation of putting them together (as well as provide a starting point for my ever so dependable brother). Here is a sneak peak:

Anyways, enough for now! I don't want to make this post super duper long. If I don't sign on before Xmas... have a good one y'aaalllllll
<3 AH

Monday, December 14, 2009


So, I'm officially a college graduate! How exciting, right!?

Check the flickr for more graduation pics!
<3 AH

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving as much as we did! We drove into El Paso around 4am on T-day morning, woke up around 9, and enjoyed the traditional Grandma Leche breakfast special: pancakes!!

We ate our Thanksgiving dunch (lunch+dinner) around 3... all my aunts and uncles were there and a good chunk of my cousins.

After our meal, we took the opportunity to take some family pictures!

That was pretty much our day. It was nice to be around so many family members, pick pecans with the little kids, watch the cowboys game while listening to my aunt scream and yell, watch home videos, and of course eat lots and lots of pumpkin pie!

The only con: Ellie and Haley got sick with the croup! Haley went to the ER Thursday night and Ellie went Friday night. I swear I don't think I slept but 10 hours for three days (didn't sleep in the car, did the black friday thing, took ellie to the ER). They are both better now. The croup was primarily from the climate change. Speaking of climate change... it freakin' snowed the day after we left!!!! WAH!!! Thats okay, it is expected to snow here on Friday however, if theres one thing I've learned its that the weatherman is always wrong.

Okay, its time for bed... only 9 more days until graduation!!!


Sunday, November 29, 2009

home sweet home

we are home!
had a great time in the armpit of texas
so great to see the extended family
Also glad davin and ellie were able to make it as well!

pictures coming within the next few days!


Monday, November 23, 2009


Davin and Ellie are back! We made a tent and read books together. Ellie read her Yo Gabba Gabba book, I read There's a Monster at the End of This Book, and Davin read There's Another Monster at the End of this Book. I think my rendition was the best but then again I am the best at everything (sarcasm).

2 days until El Paso! Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

one more day

Ellie and Davin will be back tomorrow. This makes me very happy.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Well, Davin and Ellie just left for Louisiana so I am officially alone.

I don't like being alone.

Going to miss them like crazy.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Rough Night?

I found my brother asleep like this yesterday morning:

Fully clothed, shoes and all. Must've been a rough night.

On Saturday we took Ellie to the carnival at the Dell Diamond. Holy cute! She had a blast and we had a blast because she had a blast yadda yadda.

Her favorite was the carousel of course or as she called it "the horsies"

Towards the end of our visit, she tripped over this little girl and got her nose scraped up pretty bad. I will try and post a picture of it.

Hasta Manana

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sew Crazy!

I've been in a crafty mood these past few weeks, specifically a sewing FRENZY! I made ellie this really simple peasant blouse and have since moved on to my next project:
A replica of this ADORABLE Alice+Olivia dress!
" I found it while browsing the Saks website and was stunned to see it retails at $198. So far, I've spent $12 on materials! Now if I can only figure out how to approach making the pattern myself...

Until next time!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Hope everyone had an awesome halloween! The Hernie residence was jam packed with family... just the way we like it


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Here are some pictures from our trip to San Antonio two weekends ago. Ellie and I tagged along with mama and papa herns to SA for Diego's bday party. It was so refreshing to spend time with the family

Before the part we stopped at a Los Cocos to have lunch with the gma and cousins.

Ellie looovveess "jumpy jumps"!

Ellie does not love hitting pinatas.

My dad loves to be the center of attention

Birthday boy(s)!!

Good Day.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Quick Post

Davins dad is in town today and they are off frolicking in the rain taking care of adult stuff. I'm about to head to class after this weee! BTW, only 47 more days!

Okay, back to Ellie.

Last Sunday I went to Sea World with my cousin Sara, Isela and my lovely grandmother Grandma Licha. Seriously, I love these people! My dad always told me friends come and go but family will always be there and he is right. I love my family (all 4089280357 of them).

We only caught one show because my cousins were running on MPT time (Mexican People Time) so they didn't get there until 430. By then Ellie and I rode a few rides together which was rather cute and lovely. But they did make it in time to feed the dolphins! Well, we didn't get to feed the because they ran out of food before we could buy any so they let us pet them and take pictures with them. I liked that a lot better because it saved me $5.

It's raining today. I probably won't be taking any photos so tomorrow I'll update with some things we did while we stayed in San Antonio.

Until then,

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween carnival & other things

Here are some shots from the carnival... the kiddos had a great time and I am glad Ellie got to make use of her costume. Keiston wore Bubbas devil costume from when he was 2 years old.

Today was a pretty laid back day. Ellie played with some of her cousins while I went out and took some shots of my other cousins who are both pregnant.

Ellie had a great time playing with Kari and Joe Ray except for the part about sharing. She is not very keen on that.

Hope everyone had a beautiful Sunday!